How to Utilise Economics Graphs

Why are Graphs Important in Economics?

To achieve a band 6 mark in your HSC economics exams, you must be able to demonstrate a clear understanding of your arguments in your short answer and essay responses. A great way to do this is to use different types of economics graphs to support your statistics and effectively demonstrate your arguments to the marker. HSC economics exam markers actually look for graphs in your exams, and potentially end up marking you down if there aren't any included. Look through the most common economics graphs below and see how you can incorporate them into your essays. The following articles outline the purpose, importance, and uses for graphs in your economics exams.

  • Supply vs Demand Graphs
  • J-Curve Graph
  • The Kuznets Curve
  • The Production Possibility Curve
  • The Lorenz Curve
  • The Cash Rate Graph
  • Protection Graphs
  • The Phillips Curve