
HSC Maths Advanced

Module 1: Sequences and Series
APs, GPs, and the Limiting Sum
Module 2: Graphs and Equations
Transform graphs, solve equations & inequalities.
Module 3: Curve Sketching Using the Derivative
APs, GPs, and the Limiting Sum
Module 4: Integration
APs, GPs, and the Limiting Sum
Module 5: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
APs, GPs, and the Limiting Sum
Module 6: The Trigonometric Functions
APs, GPs, and the Limiting Sum
Module 7: Motion and Rates
APs, GPs, and the Limiting Sum
Module 8: Series and Finance
APs, GPs, and the Limiting Sum
Module 9: Displaying and Interpreting Data
APs, GPs, and the Limiting Sum
Module 10: Continuous Probability Distributions
APs, GPs, and the Limiting Sum

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