Nuclear Fission: Understanding Controlled and Uncontrolled Chain Reactions

Expert reviewed 22 November 2024 6 minute read


Nuclear fission is a fundamental nuclear process where a heavy atomic nucleus splits into lighter nuclei, releasing significant energy. This process forms the basis for both nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons, depending on how the reaction is controlled.

The Physics of Nuclear Fission

Nuclear fission occurs when a heavy nucleus splits into smaller nuclei, typically releasing neutrons and energy in the process. The most common example is the fission of uranium-235 (235U^{235}\text{U}). When a neutron strikes a uranium-235 nucleus, it forms an unstable uranium-236 nucleus that quickly splits into two smaller nuclei.

The energy released during fission can be calculated using Einstein's mass-energy equivalence equation:

E=mc2E = mc^2


  • EE is the energy released
  • mm is the mass difference between reactants and products
  • cc is the speed of light

Chain Reactions

A nuclear chain reaction occurs when neutrons released from fission trigger additional fission events. There are two types of chain reactions:

1. Critical Reactions

A critical reaction maintains a constant rate, where each fission event triggers exactly one subsequent fission. The amount of fissile material needed to sustain this reaction is called the critical mass.

2. Uncontrolled Chain Reactions

In an uncontrolled chain reaction, each fission event triggers multiple subsequent fissions, leading to an exponential increase in energy release. This type of reaction is used in nuclear weapons. The rate of fission follows:

Rateekt\text{Rate} \propto e^{kt}

where kk is the growth constant and tt is time.

Controlled Chain Reactions and Nuclear Reactors

Nuclear power plants use controlled chain reactions to generate electricity. Key components include:

Essential Components:

  • Fuel Rods

    • Contain fissionable material (typically enriched uranium)
    • Arranged in a grid pattern
    • Combined mass exceeds critical mass
  • Control Rods

    • Made of neutron-absorbing materials (boron or cadmium)
    • Control reaction rate
    • Can be inserted or withdrawn to adjust power output
  • Moderator

    • Slows fast neutrons to increase fission probability
    • Common moderators: heavy water, graphite
    • The probability of fission (PP) relates to neutron speed (vv): P1vP \propto \frac{1}{v}
  • Coolant System

    • Transfers heat from reactor core
    • Prevents fuel rod melting
    • Powers steam turbines for electricity generation
  • Shielding

    • Multiple protective layers:
      • Graphite neutron reflector
      • Thermal shield
      • Pressure vessel
      • Biological shield (concrete with lead)

Safety and Control

Nuclear reactor safety relies on maintaining controlled chain reactions through:

  • Precise control rod positioning
  • Constant monitoring of neutron flux
  • Multiple containment barriers
  • Emergency shutdown systems

The power output (PP) of a reactor can be controlled using:

P=P0e(ρβ)t/ΛP = P_0e^{(\rho - \beta)t/\Lambda}


  • ρ\rho is the reactivity
  • β\beta is the delayed neutron fraction
  • Λ\Lambda is the neutron generation time
  • P0P_0 is initial power