Solving Equations and Inequalities

Expert reviewed 22 November 2024 6 minute read

HSC Maths Advanced Syllabus

  • use graphical methods with supporting algebraic working to solve a variety of practical problems involving any of the functions within the scope of this syllabus, in both real-life and abstract contexts
    • determine the number of solutions of an equation by considering appropriate graphs
    • solve linear and quadratic inequalities by sketching appropriate graphs


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Solving Inequalities Algebraically

To solve inequalities algebraically we need to understand some basic rules:

  • The absolute value of a number/function will alter the sign of the inequality.
x=xforx0x=xforx<0|x|=x \qquad for\quad x\geq0\\|x|=-x\qquad for\quad x<0
  • In the process of applying multiplication or division to both sides of an inequality using a negative number, the inequality symbol is reversed.

  • Whenever there is a denominator in the inequality, it can be removed by multiplying both sides by its square.

    For example: To solve the following we must apply the above rule.

    x542x54×422×424x20324x52x13\frac{x-5}{4}\geq 2 \\\frac{x-5}{4} \times 4^2 \geq2\times 4^2\\4x-20\geq 32\\4x\geq52\\x\geq13

Solving Equations and Inequalities Graphically

Solving equations and inequalities graphically involves finding the points on a graph where certain conditions are met. Graphically solving equations and inequalities, is generally done by graphing both right and left hand sides of an equation/inequality on a singular Cartesian plane, and determining the solution visually.

To graphically solve the functions f(x)f(x) and g(x)g(x):

  • f(x)=g(x)f(x)=g(x): the solution is determined by the points of intersection between the two different graphs.
  • f(x)>g(x)f(x)> g(x): the solution is determined by the finding where values of graph f(x)f(x), lie above that of g(x)g(x).
  • f(x)<g(x)f(x) <g(x): the solution is determined by the points of the graph produced by f(x)f(x), which sit below that of the curve produced by g(x)g(x).
  • If an inequality uses either of the following two symbols or\leq or \geq, the corresponding rules above are applied. However, the points at which the graphs intercept is also considered a solution.

Practice Question 1

Determine the following solutions for the inequality x2>x+2x^2>x+2


The first step in determining the solution to this problem graphically, is to construct a graph of both functions on either side of the inequality (this graph should be to scale). This includes determining all points of intersection, and any intercepts.

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Knowing this information, we must now determine, which parts of the curve x2x^2 sit above the curve x+2x+2

\therefore Analysing the graph we can see that the solutions to the problem are x<1x<-1 and x>2x>2