Topic 4: Economic Policies and Management

Economics Syllabus

  • demonstrates understanding of economic terms, concepts and relationships
  • analyses the economic role of individuals, firms, institutions and governments
  • discusses alternative policy options for dealing with problems and issues in contemporary and hypothetical contexts
  • analyses the impact of economic policies in theoretical and contemporary Australian contexts
  • evaluates the consequences of contemporary economic problems and issues on individuals, firms and governments
  • selects and organises information from a variety of sources for relevance and reliability
  • communicates economic information, ideas and issues in appropriate forms
  • applies mathematical concepts in economic contexts
  • works independently and in groups to achieve appropriate goals in set timelines.

Course Content

Outcomes: As you conclude this module, you will have further increased your understanding of Australian economic policies and management. This includes analysing and exploring micro and macroeconomic policies such as fiscal and monetary policies. Through the use of current statistics, examples, and case studies, you will be able to effectively apply this information to your HSC economics exams.