Economics Equation Cheat Sheet

Expert reviewed 22 November 2024 7 minute read

Gini Coefficient

The Gini Coefficient is a statistic which summarises the distribution of income in an economy. The closer the Gini Coefficient is to 00 the more equal the distribution of income in the economy. Conversely, the closer the Gini Coefficient is to 11, the more unequal the distribution of income in the economy is.

Gini Coefficient=AA+B\text{Gini Coefficient}=\frac{A}{A+B}


  • AA and BB are sectors on the Lorenz curve

Balance of Payments

The Australian Balance of Payments has various calculation formulas which are used.

Current Account Formula
Net Goods + Net Services (the balance on goods and services)

Net Primary Income + Net Secondary Income |

Capital and Financial Account Formula
Capital Account + Direct Investment + Portfolio Investment

Other Investment + Reserve Assets + Financial Derivatives |

Balance of Payments Formula
Current Account + Capital and Financial Account

Net Errors and Omissions = 0 |

Terms of Trade (TOT)

TOT=PXPm×100TOT=\frac{P_X}{P_m}\times 100


  • PXP_X is the price of exports
  • PmP_m is the price of imports

Economic Equilibrium

There are various formulas which you can use that relate to economic equilibrium.

Leakages and Injections

Leakages=InjectionsS+T+M=I+G+XLeakages = Injections \\S+T+M=I+G+X


  • S=S= Savings by households
  • T=T= Taxation by the government
  • M=M= Spending on imports
  • I=I = Investment spending by businesses
  • G=G= Government spending
  • X=X= Export revenue

Aggregate Demand



  • AD=AD= Aggregate Demand
  • C=C= Consumer spending by households
  • I=I = Investment spending by businesses
  • G=G= Government spending
  • X=X= Export revenue
  • M=M = Spending on imports

Aggregate Supply



  • Y=Y= Aggregate supply OR National income
  • C=C= Consumer spending by households
  • S=S= Savings by households
  • T=T= Taxation by the government
Equilibrium Occurs When:
Aggregate Supply = Aggregate Demand

Y=ADY = AD | | Substituting For Aggregate Demand Gives:

Y=C+I+G+(XM)Y=C+I+G+(X-M) | | Substituting For Aggregate Supply Gives:

C+S+T=C+I+G+(XM)C+S+T=C+I+G+(X-M) | | By Rearranging the Equation:


Leakages = Injections |

The Simple Multiplier



  • k=k= Simple multiplier
  • MPS=MPS = Marginal propensity to save
  • MPC=MPC= Marginal propensity to consume


National Income (Using Simple Multiplier)

ΔY=k×ΔAD\Delta Y=k\times\Delta AD


  • ΔY=\Delta Y= National income
  • k=k= Simple multiplier
  • ΔAD=\Delta AD= Change in aggregate demand

Unemployment Rate (%)

Unemployment  Rate  (%)=Unemployed  PersonsTotal  Labour  Force×100Unemployment\;Rate\;(\%)=\frac{Unemployed\; Persons}{Total\; Labour\; Force}\times 100


  • Labour Force = Employed + Unemployed Persons

Labour Force Participation Rate (%)

Labour  Force  Participation  Rate  (%)=Labour  ForceWorking  Age  Population×100Labour\;Force\;Participation\;Rate\;(\%)=\frac{Labour\;Force}{Working\;Age\;Population}\times100


  • Labour Force = Employed + Unemployed Persons
  • Working Age Population = Any person over the age of 15

Headline Inflation (CPI)

Inflation  Rate  (%)=CPICYCPIPYCPIPY×100Inflation \;Rate\; (\%)= \frac{CPI_{CY}-CPI_{PY}}{CPI_{PY}}\times 100


  • CPIPYCPI_{PY} is the headline inflation of the previous year
  • CPICYCPI_{CY} is the headline inflation of the current year

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