The Types of Essay Questions in HSC English
Expert reviewed • 22 November 2024 • 4 minute read
In the HSC English course various types of questions can be asked. Depending on the verb of the question, the way an essay should be written is slightly different every time. The following list are NESA definitions for terms that may be asked in an English HSC exam:
The Types of Directive Verbs
- Account for; state the reasons for; and report on.
- Give an account of and narrate a series of events or transactions.
- Make a judgement of value, quality, outcomes, results or size.
- These types of questions should have judgments made continually throughout the essay. For example, at the end of every paragraph or piece of analysis.
- Show how things are similar or different.
When working with compare questions, the structure of an essay can change slightly.
- You can use a structure with 4 body paragraphs where you have argument/points A and B, where the body structure is in order A B A B.
- You could also use a structure of 3 larger body paragraphs, where arguments/points A and B are presented in all 3 paragraphs
Critically analyse/evaluate
- Add a degree or level of accuracy depth, knowledge and understanding, logic, questioning, reflection and quality to (analyse/evaluate).
- Make a judgement based on criteria.
- Determine the value of.
Judgements should be made continuously throughout the essay, in analysis and concluding statements.
- Support an argument or conclusion.
- Must provide arguments/points for the question